The grassroots movement to integrate the defunded arts back into the USA public education system is called STEAM. It has been proven that integrating the arts back into STEM (science tech, engineering and math) education, will inspire more creativity and bridge the skills gap we now have as a nation.
Infusing the arts into curriculum serves to attract and retain more US students to STEM-related studies — tomorrow’s most lucrative careers. The live performing and visual arts like music, plein air and drama, attract diverse and vulnerable youth, and the ongoing collaborative design, project-based creative process stokes daily energy to keep students interested in STEM studies. Digital marketing arts are the ultimate blend of right and left brain skills for a STEAM career. I am working to increase access to recreational STEAM education to our youth through existing underused community infrastructure of libraries, recreation centers and after school programs.
If we mainstream STEAM as an education priority in the USA, we attract and retain more diverse students and help more kids to become globally competitive students, build a strong national workforce, and lead the priority to take care of the natural beauty of our world. Otherwise other countries will hold those top positions. When you ride in nature and breathe it, you cherish it. Animals are important, natural trails are important. I want to keep that reverence top of mind in this cluttered day to day digitally distracted world.
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Art is all around us as happy accidents, intentional creations or natural expressions of life, emotion, beauty, simplicity, patterns, complexity, messages and feelings. One person may notice, another may not, as one sees trash, another treasure. Needing to be right or wrong is not the point, since “what is art” is a personal opinion. The creative process is a joy meant for everyone everywhere.
BE AWARE. I think the fusion of the arts, science, tech and nature inspire the most important leaps in creativity for our planet. Creativity is the number one job skill in demand right now. One of my goals is to use this site to promote creativity learning with the STEAM education movement. It is a solution for building the qualified USA workforce we need for a future quality of life and security we want. Check out the Education tab to read more. Digital marketing is the ultimate hybrid STEAM career. and my link makes the whys clear.
ENJOY. I create art that is inspired by people, horses and nature, so enjoy my images and content in the People, Equestrian and Paths tabs. I have a game as I go along everyday — I like to see if I can inspire strangers coming towards me to come out of their solitary silos and bubbles and connect to me with their eyes and smile. That is a simple act of kindness to make the day fabulous for another person. I hope to do that here for you too — visit the Travel tab, or go outside for instant inspiration. Biking paths, and running routes, and horseback riding trails — which you will see alot of on this site, are where I most deeply appreciate nature’s art. I also enjoy urban hiking — the engineered design of our coastal San Diego. It has adapted well to celebrate a hilly blend of California beaches, valleys and mesas. As I run, bike or ride, the endorphins bursting forth launch my most creative and positive flow of thoughts.
INSPIRE. Do me a favor and Inspire someone else to notice the natural artistry and creative forces all around us. Be a catalyst. I am a connector and muse for recreational STEAM education in my community. Now we have amazing new programs in our public libraries from 3D printing to Wet Labs, digital arts, and coding for kids, so they can play in science and Biotech too. Libraries, after school programs and local recreation centers are wonderful venues our prior generation built for us. Use them for launching recreational STEM education. By integrating and valuing Art Design in project work we gain STEAM. Use your local infrastructure to bring it to your youth.