This is a fabulous recreational education provider providing Science-ing: /’sīɘns-iNG/ verb., the teach-ing, experiment-ing, explore-ing, discover-ing, hands on do-ing of science. Science as the active pursuit of knowledge, not just passive memorization of science-facts. “Our mission is to do our part to help San Diego educators teach young students to be THINKERS, CREATORS, INVENTORS and […]
Category: Education
Check out this great monthly newsletter: STEAM Insight a resource for the STEAM education movement. Tell them I sent you!
Decades ago the U.S. public education system budget cuts meant the Arts were defunded and only STEM education (science, tech engineering and math) were fully funded to steer more students towards STEM. Now research shows that idea did not work. Most U.S students still are not choosing to study for STEM-related jobs — the best paying careers of the future. […]
Did you know that 27% of San Diego Unified School District students are failing the new Common Core math classes? Many more are failing to learn the skills that will lead to future academic success. Here are the top three reasons students struggle with Common Core math classes and what they can do with s […]
For parents and students Wed., April 29, 6-7pm, at the La Jolla Riford Library 7555 Draper Ave La Jolla, CA 92037 “Three keys to success every student and parent should know. With the right mentoring and support, preparation for the SAT or ACT can be a timely chance to address root causes of struggle and change efficiency for […]